Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It all started with that glucose drink...

Hey y'all, it's been a little while. So far I've had my first week of school and taken my glucose test for my pregnancy. A lot has happened in just a short week, which is why I'm writing this blog. Gotta keep my people's updated.

Okay, so the first week of school went fairly quickly. All my teachers are odd but interesting in a good way, and the classes are fun. However, the workload is insane! Homework, along with taking notes on everything and then doing a weekly report on everything. On top of that, tons of projects! I have no idea how I'm going to fit in those projects in between all that homework! I think I'm a wee bit stressed...

This week on Monday, I went to the doctor for my usual checkup and for my glucose test. That glucose drink actually smells and tastes like orange soda. However, it does not agree with you and does not make you feel so hot either. I think it's all that concentrated sugar. Either way, my stomach felt weird for the rest of the day. So went to the doctor which went fine as per usual. They took my blood for the glucose test, which came back normal, so I am gestational diabetes free! Everything is perfect, and so is baby. Baby is still going strong and growing, and increasing her movement. Also, my appetite has increased, so that definitely means she is growing. In three weeks I have my next appointment where we will start doing the non-stress tests. Yay! If you must know, I am currently 29 weeks 3 days pregnant (for those who don't know weeks, that is just past 7 months).

Now for the explanation of the title....

So after my doctors appointment Monday, I started feeling horrible, possible sugar crash haha. I was exhausted and had a borderline migraine. Let's just say I was not happy and cranky, not a good combination. We did however manage to have a wonderful FHE with our new friends, the Eddington's. I pretty much passed out minutes after getting in bed, which means I really wasn't feeling well. I decided to take the next day off for some R&R. Sadly, some rest and relaxation were not what I got. Instead, I was just stressed and could not relax at all (trust me I tried). So I decided to ask God a question: Should I stay in school or take a break from school? Needless to say, I had a little breakdown. I slowly worked through my mini life crisis here and finally came to a solution, that is highly supported my absolutely wonderful husband. I decided to take a sabbatical from school to focus on being a mom. School would have been too hard and stressful, what with this semester giving birth right before finals and then having a newborn next semester. After I made my decision, I have felt nothing but peace. I do plan on coming back to school as soon as I can, but right now I need to stay home and relax, and work on being a loving mother to my first child, soon to be here in about two months!! I can't wait to meet my baby girl.   

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